
Hello, we are Doctorpresso, a mental tech company. 

We aim to innovate mental health issues through technology. One-third of the people in our country experience depression at least once in their lives. Considering burnout and acute stress disorder, more than half of the population suffers from mental health issues. However, due to the social stigma of psychiatric treatment, only 10% of these individuals barely manage to access face-to-face psychiatric care. We are developing solutions to help users solve their mental health problems quickly and easily through technology. We aim to provide a mental total care service, from screening to daily recovery, through our AI technology.

Mental Health Objectification

Doctorpresso aims to provide a solution that objectifies emotions and accurately informs users of their mental health status

Mental Health Accessibility

Doctorpresso aims to provide a mental health solution that is easy and comfortable for anyone to access

Mental Health Management

Doctorpresso aims to provide a solution that helps users manage their mental health continuously, even in everyday life

Our Service

We are addressing mental health issues with AI technology. We utilize an AI algorithm developed in collaboration with Seoul National University Hospital to identify mental health issues based on user-written journals. We are also continuously working with local public health centers and nearby clinics to ensure that mental health services are easily and quickly accessible to everyone.

Our Partners

Email. ask_mindstation@drpresso.com
Addr. 340-4, Heukseok-dong, Dongjak-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Biz License. 850-87-02554